
Hannah’s Hope


Thursday at 6:30 PM


220 Firewatch Dr
Jordan, MN




In Person

Childcare Available:



Alicia Fratzke

This is a safe place to process and pray through child loss and infertility struggles 1 Samuel 1:19-20 Samuel Is Born 19 The family got up early in the morning and worshiped before the Lord. Then they returned to their house in Ramah. Elkanah lay with his wife Hannah, and the Lord remembered her. 20 The Lord made it possible for her to have a child, and when the time came she gave birth to a son. She gave him the name Samuel, saying, “I have asked the Lord for him." Samuel's Hope: A group of prayer warriors believing that God will make it possible for them to have a child. We will be asking God to remember us, just as he did Hannah in 1 Samuel, and to bring us a child. This group was created to be a source of encouragement, prayer support, and safe place to share. It's for women who have a desire to have children, but are facing obstacles. It's a place where we as women will stand together and ask God to make it possible. We will ask God to remember us and give us sons and daughters to raise to honor Him. The plan - to commit every Monday to a time in prayer for each other