Talking Church

Talking Church is a podcast hosted by River Valley Network that discusses trends in the church and culture. In each episode, you will learn from ministry leaders on a variety of subjects, develop your leadership skills and break new growth barriers!

Episodes In This Podcast

Chris Book & Lou Hernandez | Building Projects

Talking Church

Chris Book & Lou Hernandez | Building Projects

Talking Church

Episode 24: One important aspect of operating a church involves the buildings where you are located! River Valley Church's lead executive pastor, Chris Book, and River Valley's director of infrastructure, Lou Hernandez, help break down the importance of maintaining the facilities in which the church operates. They discuss some of the building projects that River Valley has had to tackle, some of the building purchases that we had to manage, and the spaces that we rent in and how we make the most of those facilities as well. We also get to hear insight on what facilities that they look for when discerning which locations work well when River Valley has planted new campuses! Tune in and get your pen and paper ready!

Kirk Graham | What It's Like to Be "On"

Talking Church

Kirk Graham | What It's Like to Be "On"

Talking Church

Episode 25: We are very excited to share with you all one of our highlighted breakout sessions from this past year's River Valley Conference! Our Executive Pastor of Local ministries at River Valley, Pastor Kirk Graham, shared his teaching on what it's like to be "on" in ministry. People are wired differently, and have different levels of communicating, but we believe that whether you are introverted or extroverted, you can still bring your best self when it comes to your ministry as you work with your team, congregation, and the community to help bring lift and encouragement to all! This episode would be great to listen to with your team, pastors, and volunteers, as you learn how to use your individual strengths to bring joy and build lift in your church!

Chris Hodges | Worship, “Seeker Sensitive” and the American Church

Talking Church

Chris Hodges | Worship, “Seeker Sensitive” and the American Church

Talking Church

Episode 26: Tune in on today's episode of Talking Church! We are very honored and excited to welcome our guest this week, Pastor Chris Hodges! Lead Pastor of Church of the Highlands in Birmingham, Alabama, Pastor Chris is here to talk with us about his perspective on the American Church today, how we can grow into being "seeker sensitive," and where he sees us as the church heading in the years ahead. Don't miss this episode, and let this bless you today!

Dr. Barnabas Mtokambali | Planting 40,000 Churches!

Talking Church

Dr. Barnabas Mtokambali | Planting 40,000 Churches!

Talking Church

Episode 27: Dr. Barnabas Mtokambali joins us for today's episode all the way from Tanzania! Dr. Barnabas is the leader of the Assemblies of God Tanzania, and he doesn't just have a vision to plant churches, but he is well n his way to plant 40,000 churches throughout Tanzania and Africa. As he breaks down his passion, his call, and his journey, ask yourself, what visions will God make a reality through me?

Pastor Rob Ketterling | Running Fast & Resting Well

Talking Church

Pastor Rob Ketterling | Running Fast & Resting Well

Talking Church

Episode 28: Pastor Rob Ketterling joins us again for a conversation on running efficiently in ministry while finding Godly rest. Resting as a Christ follower should be different from the world's interpretation, and for those in the ministry, resting should definitely look different. Logan and Pastor Rob discuss method's of rest that haven't worked, and they share the ways that do work for them now in their current seasons of life! Join in as we better ourselves for tomorrow by resting in the right ways today!

Kaleb & Autumn Graham | Launching a New Campus

Talking Church

Kaleb & Autumn Graham | Launching a New Campus

Talking Church

Episode 29: River Valley Church's newest campus pastors Kaleb & Autumn Graham join us from Maple Grove, Minnesota, to discuss their journey to launch our newest campus in this past year! Maple Grove opened in the Spring of 2022, and the preparation leading to that date was nothing short than dedication, tenacity, and boldness, all covered by prayer. Has God given you the dream to plant a church or launch a campus someday? Listen and learn from these amazing pastors who are walking out that path now!

Missionary Guests | Reaching the Buddhist World

Talking Church

Missionary Guests | Reaching the Buddhist World

Talking Church

Episode 30: On today's episode, we are joined by two of our 500 missionaries! Our "bullseye" at River Valley is to send out 500 missionaries from our church into the field. Our heart is global, and we are living to reach the lost! This family is passionate about reaching the buddhist world, and they share their testimony of their calling, their road to the field, the support they need, and the realness of what it feels like to be on the field. Listen now & join us in prayer as we learn about world missions, and pray for God to move in your congregation's heart!

Aaron Johnson & Caleb Moore | Planning Special Services

Talking Church

Aaron Johnson & Caleb Moore | Planning Special Services

Talking Church

Episode 31: Services are such a crucial aspect of many of our ministries. Whether it be a Sunday service for your congregation, a worship service dedicated to seeking after God, or a big Christmas Eve service where families gather together under candlelight. Services are important, and much ministry happens before, during, and after service time. Aaron Johnson, our Local Creative Pastor, and Caleb Moore, our Production Lead, break down what goes through their minds as they map out each service here at River Valley. They discuss the audience, the worship moments, the unity needed between all working parties, and so much more. Listen as they share on their passion for service moments, as this influences your incredible services to come!

John Bevere | The Strength of a Clear Conscience

Talking Church

John Bevere | The Strength of a Clear Conscience

Talking Church

Episode 32: This week's episode is very special, as evangelist and author John Bevere joins us to discuss the danger of compromising your conscience, accountability, work-ethic, and John's greatest goals in ministry. John articulates the responsibility that we have of listening to your conscience, and we pray that this conversation blesses you and your ministry! Listen now, and invite some friends or coworkers to listen with you!

Nathan Finochio | Aligning With Scripture

Talking Church

Nathan Finochio | Aligning With Scripture

Talking Church

Episode 33: Listen in this week as Nathan Finochio and Logan dive deep into theology, how our beliefs as christians differ in culture today, and how that relates to pastoring through these times with topics that can be difficult to navigate. Nathan gives clear insight on staying biblically literate as we navigate these questions that our world is asking, and why following the instructions of the Bible is the best way to live. Grab some friends and we pray this episode blesses you as you navigate through these topics in your life!

Pastor Rob Ketterling | Leading In Uncertainty

Talking Church

Pastor Rob Ketterling | Leading In Uncertainty

Talking Church

Episode 34: Logan and Pastor Rob sit down to discuss the season of uncertainty that we all are feeling right now. With inflation rising, the country at odds, and various markets falling, it can be difficult to find the courage to continue running the mission that God has called you to do. Pastor Rob shares the various "crises" that he has had to lead through over the years, and how we can practically prepare for them. Listen now with your key leaders, and prepare you and your church for all that the world will try to throw your way!

Gabi O'Rourke & Andrew Snead | How We Do Youth & Kids Ministry

Talking Church

Gabi O'Rourke & Andrew Snead | How We Do Youth & Kids Ministry

Talking Church

Episode 35: Welcome back to Talking Church! We are joined today by Pastor Gabi O'Rourke, our Lead Youth Pastor, and Andrew Snead, our Lead Go Kids Pastor, who break down their areas of Next Gen Ministry, and how we run our Next Gen play here at River Valley. Gabi & Andrew dive into the similarities and differences of their ministries, and they share the practical side of their ministries, as well as what is on their minds as they look toward the future of Next Gen ministry that lies ahead of us!