Tyler Wiese


River Valley 500. Evangelism, college evangelism (CRU), friendship evangelism, and discipleship in Ljubljana.

First Mission

Audrey went on a missions trip to Ireland in 2011 with "Ambassadors in Missions" (AIM). We did street ministry, street skits, passed out pamphlets, and played soccer with local kids. Tyler went to Kansas City and did a work missions trip for the homeless and less fortunate families in 2010.

Becoming a Missionary

Audrey was called to missions when she heard a speaker talk about the Great Comission at camp when she was 9 years old. Her heart was stirred by the Holy Spirit for the lost and those who had never heard the Gospel before. She knew she wanted and was called to full time missions at that moment. Tyler was 19 when he came to the conclusion that nothing would bring him more joy than being obedient to what Christ has commanded in the Great Comission.




Audrey Wiese - Wife
Jude Wiese - Son