Rick Mattson

United States

Rick has 2 main jobs. For his first job, he travels to campuses across the U.S.A. for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, doing training and evangelism with an apologetics emphasis. From 2010-2012, he worked at 40 different campuses. His second job involves serving as the InterVarsity staff member at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota, where there has been an active InterVarsity group since 1941.

First Mission

Rick received his call into missions in 1978 during a summer evangelism project with InterVarsity in Aspen, Colorado.

Becoming a Missionary

Rick was a student leader in InterVarsity at Southwest Minnesota State College in Marshall, Minnesota. When he graduated, it seemed only natural for him to come on staff with InterVarsity, and the Marshall Evangelical Free church became his first sending church.


Sharon Mattson - Wife