Nick Puccini


Nick and Olivia are located in Tallinn, Estonia to launch a new church for the young generation

First Mission

Nick went on two short term trips while in high school, the first one to the slums of Kingston, Jamaica. When he was 17 years old, he went with a team to Caracas, Venezuela. Olivia went on many trips throughout high school, including Eastern Europe, Central and South America.

Becoming a Missionary

On the plane ride home from Caracas, Nick distinctly sensed the Holy Spirit leading him to serve as a missionary. Every day in his devotions, every sermon he heard and every time he spent time in prayer, the Holy Spirit impressed that call on his heart. After about a year, Nick began to fully embrace that call, and set his sights on preparing to become a missionary. He attended North Central University and began as a Cross Cultural Studies major. Olivia and Nick were married following his junior year, and a week after their honeymoon, they went to Chandler, Arizona to help plant a new church. They returned to North Central about a year later, and a passion for church planting had been ignited. Nick added a Core of Church Planting course to complete a combined degree program. They spent two years serving at Eden Prairie Assembly of God and received their ordination credentials. In 2002, they were appointed missionaries to the nation of Armenia.


Hey RVC! We help 70 missionaires in 7 countries in church planting in Eurasia Northwest; live in Estonia. The countries we oversee the work in are: Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Moldova. We currently oversee work to refugees in Ukraine, and are in the Twin Cities for a year of fundraising/ visiting churches.


Ava Puccini - Daughter
Olivia Puccini - Wife
Oliver Puccini - Son