River Valley Women’s Event | Apple Valley

Apple Valley | Women

Dream Boldly Women's Event: Pursuing God-Sized Dreams: Join us for an empowering gathering designed for women of all ages who are ready to embrace the adventure of following their God-sized dreams! We believe every woman is called to a purpose greater than herself, and this event is your invitation to step into that calling with courage and obedience.

Date & Time:

8/2/2024 6:30 PM


Apple Valley Campus | Lounge


Dream Boldly Women's Event: Pursuing God-Sized Dreams: Join us for an empowering gathering designed for women of all ages who are ready to embrace the adventure of following their God-sized dreams! We believe every woman is called to a purpose greater than herself, and this event is your invitation to step into that calling with courage and obedience.

Experience the transformative power of obedience and bold faith as we hear from a diverse panel of women who have fearlessly pursued their God-sized dreams. From starting small groups to launching businesses, from impacting their families to influencing their communities, these women will share their inspiring stories and practical insights to ignite your journey of faith and action.

Panel Discussion: Engage with our panelists in a dynamic conversation about the challenges, victories, and lessons learned on the path to pursuing God-sized dreams.

Round Table Discussions: Dive deeper into your aspirations and goals as you connect with fellow attendees, share experiences, and receive guidance on your next steps.

Social Hour: Enjoy a time of fellowship, delicious food, and laughter as we celebrate the joy of community and the excitement of following God's calling.

Don't miss this opportunity to be inspired, encouraged, and equipped to boldly step into the adventure of a lifetime with Jesus. Whether you're a dreamer ready to take action or seeking clarity on your next steps, this is your invitation to embrace the extraordinary journey of faith, obedience, and impact. Register today!